
Suntory Boss Silky Drip

Suntory Boss Silky Drip
Suntory Boss Silky Drip
Brand: Suntory

The sheer number of different canned coffees available in Japan is breathtaking. It's all the more surprising when you consider that there are only really 3 or 4 companies making them.

Suntory are one of my favourites - not only do they make some cracking whisky, but their vending machine coffee is among the best too.

This is actually from a store rather than out of a machine, but the name made it an irresistible purchase - Boss Silky Drip.

Boss appears to be Suntory's brand for coffee - it's how all their vending machines and the majority of their cans are labelled.

The manly pipe-smoking graphics and the "keep you relaxed" slogan, combined with the name, makes me think less of coffee and more of lube, so let's hope I don't get something unexpected when I taste!

The aroma is surprisingly rich, full of warm roasted coffee without the sticky sweet creaminess that is often in coffee in cans. Although there is a little sweetness, it's from a darkly roasted bean rather than sugar.

In the mouth, there's a touch of cream but it's more restrained than usual, and again not too sweet. There's a decent coffee bitterness coming through, and I have to say that despite the name, it's probably one of the best canned coffees I've had. 3 stars.

This review was originally published 4th November, 2013. It was last updated 1st June, 2023.