
Review Posts

Kavey Eats, Chocolate and Whisky
Kavey Eats, Chocolate and Whisky

Contains Whisky!
Our first opportunity to attend a blogger review event together came in the form of an invitation from The Macallan to attend a special chocolate and whisky tasting featuring their whiskies paired with Artisan du Chocolat chocolate. But we couldn't go! I was quite disappointed, let me tell you and Pete ...
Tring Ridgeway Bitter
Tring Ridgeway Bitter

Brewery: Tring
Contains Beer!
ABV: 4.0% Bottled/ Draft: Bright Draft "Mini Cask" Bottle Size: 5 litre (9 pint) Colour: Caramel brown Clarity: Bright Head/ Bubbles: Good foam Mouthfeel: Smooth without being creamy. Taste: Short hop start, nicely balanced. Although not much in the way of aroma, the hop start leads into a well balanced session beer without overwhelming your taste buds. I can't ...
Black Isle Red Kite Ale
Black Isle Red Kite Ale

Brewery: Black Isle
Abv: 4.2%
Contains Beer!
ABV: %4.2 Bottled/Draft: Bottled Bottle Conditioned: No Bottle Size: 500 ml Colour: Amber Clarity: Bright Head/Bubbles: Short lived head, not over fizzy. Positively exploded from the bottle, which is surprising for a non-bottle conditioned beer. Mouthfeel: Fine bubbles, almost bottle conditioned. Taste: Gentle malt flavour, well balanced with ...
Little Valley Withens IPA
Little Valley Withens IPA

Brewery: Little Valley
Abv: 3.9%
Contains Beer!
ABV: 3.9% Bottled/Draft: Bottled Bottle Conditioned: Yes Bottle Size: 500 ml Colour: Golden Clarity: Clear Head/Bubbles: Short lived head, with fine bubbles. Mouthfeel: Fizzy but the fine bubbles has an almost lager-like body. Taste: Strongly hopped, no malt. This is an ...