
Beer Reviews

Beer: A refreshing and versatile beverage brewed from malted grains, hops, water, and yeast, offering a diverse range of flavours and styles.

Or, to put it another way, an endless opportunity to explore new beers and breweries!

Cheers to great beer!

We also have a beer list which lists every beer review on the site, broken down by brewery.

Samuel Smith's Yorkshire Stingo
Samuel Smith's Yorkshire Stingo

Brewery: Samuel Smith's
Abv: 9.0%
This week's monster beer has been lurking at the back of my cupboard for a very long time, but as it's apparently been matured in oak casks for over a year it's not exactly going to let a little age worry it. Part of the reason it's languished so long, to be honest, ...
Brewdog Tokyo*

Brewery: Brewdog
Abv: 18.2%
As my contribution to the continuing campaign against the Higher Strength Beer Duty, I'm selflessly drinking through my collection of beers which are directly affected by this absurd tax. I'll spare you the rant (you can visit my inaugural post on the matter if you want to know more) and move straight onto tonight's guest beer. Brewdog ...
Brewdog Tokyo*
Hogs Back Brewery Tour-At-Home
Hogs Back Brewery Tour-At-Home

Brewery: Hogs Back
I’ve known Hogs Back Brewery for years; our good friends used to live literally around the corner from them and happily still live within stumbling distance. They have an excellent and generous brewery tour, as well as a fantastic beer shop featuring all manner of British and foreign beers. If you ever find yourself ...
Harviestoun Ola Dubh Special Reserve 12
Harviestoun Ola Dubh Special Reserve 12

Brewery: Harviestoun
Abv: 8.0%
As anyone with a passing interest in the UK beer scene is probably aware, this month saw the arrival of the High Strength Beer Duty(HSBD) resulting in an additional tax burden on any beers over 7.5% ABV strength. It's important to note that the existing Beer Duty is already relative to strength; before ...
Redemption Brewery Tour-In-A-Brewery!
Redemption Brewery Tour-In-A-Brewery!

Brewery: Redemption
After a year of doing my brewery tours at home, it seems about time that I got off the sofa and did a tour of an actual brewery. Redemption, based in Tottenham, has the dual benefits of being a fantastic brewery and within a few miles of home, so where better to go?! I first ...
Tesco Finest Beers

Brewery: Brewdog, Harviestoun, Williams Brothers
Supermarkets have been selling ‘own label’ products forever. Beer is no exception – I’ve reviewed Aldi’s Finchley’s Ales IPA previously here, and I’ve got another of their bottles lurking downstairs in my “to be reviewed” pile. Usually, the actual producers of these own label products are fairly obscure; although it’s suspected that Aldi use ...
Tesco Finest Beers
Bristol Beer Factory Tour-At-Home

Brewery: Bristol Beer Factory
I so enjoyed my first Tour-At-Home, working though Marble's beers, that it inspired me to do more in depth explorations of breweries. I've been following the Bristol Beer Factory on Twitter for a little while, so when I stumbled across some of their bottles in Borough Market (at the excellent Utobeer stall, run by ...
Bristol Beer Factory Tour-At-Home
Marble Brewery Tour-At-Home

Brewery: Marble
One of the many joys of writing this blog is that people have a tendency to tell you about their favourite small brewery, which is often a new discovery. If you're extra lucky, that person is so enthusiastic that they'll haul back a selection of said brewery's products for you, which is why I ...
Marble Brewery Tour-At-Home
Young's Double Chocolate Stout
Young's Double Chocolate Stout

Brewery: Young's
Abv: 5.2%
Name: Young's Luxury Double Chocolate Stout Bottled/Draft: Bottled, not conditioned. Colour: Pitch black Head: Fine bubbles, lingering deep brown head Mouthfeel: Fine bubbles remain in the mouth, giving an almost creamy texture. Taste: Slight bitterness, but more from the deep roasted malt than hops. In both taste and smell, this beer lives up to its name ...
Tring Ridgeway Bitter
Tring Ridgeway Bitter

Brewery: Tring
ABV: 4.0% Bottled/ Draft: Bright Draft "Mini Cask" Bottle Size: 5 litre (9 pint) Colour: Caramel brown Clarity: Bright Head/ Bubbles: Good foam Mouthfeel: Smooth without being creamy. Taste: Short hop start, nicely balanced. Although not much in the way of aroma, the hop start leads into a well balanced session beer without overwhelming your taste buds. I can't ...