
Beer Reviews

Beer: A refreshing and versatile beverage brewed from malted grains, hops, water, and yeast, offering a diverse range of flavours and styles.

Or, to put it another way, an endless opportunity to explore new beers and breweries!

Cheers to great beer!

We also have a beer list which lists every beer review on the site, broken down by brewery.

Zombie Beer Blogging At The EBBC

Last weekend saw the European Beer Bloggers Conference; unless you've been carefully avoiding both twitter and large portions of the beer blogging scene in the last week, you'll know this already. It's tough to pick out a highlight, but certainly one of the more chaotically entertaining sessions was the Live Beer Blogging; ten breweries ...
Zombie Beer Blogging At The EBBC
St Austell Royal Diamond Imperial IPA
St Austell Royal Diamond Imperial IPA

Brewery: St Austell
Abv: 9.0%
This year, in case you hadn't heard, heralds Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee. Whether in celebration or opportunism, companies the length and breadth of the UK are marking the event – whether it's with something specially prepared for the occasion, or just slapping a Union Flag on their regular stuff and hoping nobody notices. St Austell, ...
Drinking in Amsterdam
Drinking in Amsterdam

Amsterdam isn't all about sex, drugs and canals. The Dutch know a thing or two about beer as well. We recently had the opportunity to spend the weekend there; while Kavey focused on what the city had to offer in the way of food, I had more alcoholic matters in mind. First stop was most ...
Sierra Nevada Brewery Tour-At-Home

Brewery: Sierra Nevada
Sierra Nevada are probably one of the best known US brewers in this country. As with many great breweries, they were founded 30 years ago in California by a keen homebrewer who dreamt of taking things to the next level. Their Pale Ale is widely available in supermarkets and bars, and it's happily easy to ...
Sierra Nevada Brewery Tour-At-Home
London Fields Brewery Tour-At-Home

Brewery: London Fields
London Fields Brewery (now closed after a turbulent few years) is was one of those exciting young breweries that have been restoring the brewing scene to the city in the last few years. Founded only last year, they've already had to upgrade from their original 2 barrel plant to a new 10 barrel ...
London Fields Brewery Tour-At-Home
Neath Ales Brewery Tour-At-Home

Brewery: Neath Ales
I picked up this collection of beers from Neath Ales (now closed) at last year's Abergavenny Food Festival; I always have my eye open for small local breweries at such events that I might otherwise have never encountered and Abergavenny was pleasantly productive. We start with Green Bullet, a 6.0% IPA – named ...
Neath Ales Brewery Tour-At-Home
Delirium Nocturnum
Delirium Nocturnum

Brewery: Delirium
Abv: 8.5%
While I'm more concerned about the beer than the bottle in comes in, it's fair to say that packaging can always have an impact. Poor packaging – be it the graphics or sometimes just the name – can put me off even bothering to try a beer. Put a pink elephant on a stone-look ...
Brewdog Mini Brewery Tour-At-Home

Brewery: Brewdog
As I've mentioned before, Brewdog have been on my list for a Tour-At-Home for a long time. They're a very polarising brand; brash, aggressive and firmly of the opinion that any publicity is good publicity. It's not an attitude that really does much for me to be honest, and I'd disregard them if it ...
Brewdog Mini Brewery Tour-At-Home
Tripel Karmeliet

Brewery: Bosteels
Abv: 8.4%
Our local Waitrose has recently been rearranging their already rather good beer section. This is broadly a good thing, because they seem to have expanded the range of good beers (Meantime now appear to have half a shelf to themselves!) at the expense of the duller, more mass market offerings. They've also improved their ...
Tripel Karmeliet
Windsor & Eton Conqueror: Does Strength Matter?
Windsor & Eton Conqueror: Does Strength Matter?

Brewery: Windsor & Eton
Over the last few months I've been enjoying a wide variety of high strength beers (oh, how I suffer for this blog…) – in general they've varied from very tasty to spectacular, but even in my small sampling there have been some that have fallen a little short. So I found myself wondering how much was ...